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Weight Conversion Calculator

Weight Conversion Calculator allows you to quickly convert kilograms to grams, tonnes to kilograms, ounces to pounds, carats to grams, etc. etc. Mass unit conversion is quick and automatic. Enter the weight you want to convert into the appropriate field.

Metric units
English (Imperial) Weight Units
Other weight units

About the Weight Unit Converter

Our Weight Unit Converter automatically converts the unit you enter to another unit quickly and easily. Simply enter the value you wish to convert in the field of interest. The Weight Converter will perform conversions for all the units available on this site and display the results in the appropriate fields. You can choose how accurate (how many decimal places) the converted units should be. The default value is 4 and you can choose between 0 and 10 decimal places.

For example, if you enter 123 in the gram field, you will learn that it is equal to 4.3387 ounces [oz]. This allows you to quickly convert milligrams (mg) to decagrams (dkg) or kilograms (kg) from the base SI system. The table also includes Anglo-Saxon measures and a few others such as carat or drachma.

About weight units

The unit of mass in the SI system is denoted by the symbol kg (kilogram). It is defined by the fixed numerical value of Planck's constant h, which is 6.62607015 × 10-34, expressed in the unit J s, which is equal to kg m2 s-1.

The SI unit of mass is the only unit that begins with the prefix kg.

It is also worth mentioning that on 20 May 2019, the standard of 1 kg was a cylinder with a base diameter of 39 mm, made of a platinum and iridium alloy. It was kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Measures in Sevres, near Paris.

Who can use a mass (weight) unit converter?

A mass (weight) unit converter can be useful for many people and in many situations. Here are some examples of people who can benefit from such a converter:

  1. Students: The mass unit converter can be useful for students studying maths, physics, chemistry or other sciences that involve calculating and comparing the masses of different objects. It can help them convert units of mass such as kilograms, pounds, ounces or tonnes, making it easier to understand and carry out tasks.
  2. Cooks and bakers: Those working in the culinary industry often need a mass unit converter to accurately measure ingredients in recipes. The converter allows you to convert the weight of ingredients from one unit to another, such as ounces to grams or kilograms to pounds.
  3. Designers and engineers: Designers and engineers often need to convert the weights of different components and materials. A unit of mass converter can be useful when calculating loads, assessing strength or planning transportation.
  4. People who want to lose weight or lead a healthy lifestyle: People concerned about their diet or trying to lose weight can use the mass unit converter to monitor calorie intake and control portion sizes. The converter can help convert nutritional values from one unit to another, such as grams, ounces or glasses.
  5. Retailers: Retailers, especially in the food industry, often need to convert units of measure to determine prices, orders and product quantities. A mass unit converter can make it easier for them to convert and compare different units such as kilograms, pounds or tonnes.

Which weight units are converted?

Basic units of mass from the SI system:

Imperial / American units of weight

Other weight units:


Using our mass unit converter (weight converter) you can convert your values between all the units listed above. You can convert kilograms to grams, ounces, kilograms to pounds, tons to short tons or long tons. You can also convert grams to carats, drams, troy ounces, troy pounds or quintals. Everything is done quickly and automatically, so converting weight is no longer a problem.

Conversion of weight units on this site will certainly make this task easier, especially if you need to convert different weights at the same time.

see also: