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Weighted Average Calculator

The Weighted Average Calculator on this page is a tool that allows you to quickly and accurately calculate the average value of elements with different weights. It can be useful in many situations where you want to account for the differences between elements.

Values (grades)Weights
add row
The weighted average is:

About the Weighted Average Calculator

Our Weighted Average Calculator is simple and intuitive to use. All you need to do is enter the scores and weights of each item and the calculator will automatically calculate the weighted average.

Above, you need to enter the individual scores (grades) and their weights. If there is not enough space to enter this data, click Add Row to add another row. It will contain two fields where you can enter the next value (grade) and weight.

There is an x next to each row (except the first one). Clicking it will delete the row. Deleting a row will cause the score to be recalculated.

After each entry, the weighted average is recalculated and the result is displayed.

What is a weighted average?

A weighted average is a statistical indicator that allows you to take into account the different weights of different components when calculating the average. It is particularly useful when you want to find a common denominator for elements with different values or meanings. The weighted average is often used in various types of rankings and when evaluating performance, such as academic or job performance.

How is the weighted average calculated?

To calculate the weighted average, use the following formula:

(value1 * weight1 + value2 * weight2 + ... + valueN * weightN) / (weight1 + weight2 + ... + weightN)


Example of Calculating the Weighted Average

Suppose we have the following grades and point weights:

To calculate the weighted average, enter this data into the formula:

(5 * 2 + 4 * 3 + 3 * 3 + 4 * 2) / (2 + 3 + 3 + 2) = (10 + 12 + 9 + 8) / 10 = 39/10 = 3,9

In this case, our weighted average is 3.9.

Applications of the Weighted Average

The weighted average is often used in various types of rankings and in evaluating performance, such as academic or work performance. We can use it in the following situations, among others

Who can use a Weighted Average Calculator?

The weighted average calculator can be useful in a variety of situations and for a variety of people. Here are some examples:

  1. Students and pupils: The weighted average calculator can be useful when weights are assigned to different grades or grade categories. For example, if test grades carry more weight than homework grades, calculating a weighted average provides a more accurate summary of performance.
  2. Investors and financiers: The Weighted Average Calculator can be used to analyze investment portfolios. When different assets have different weights or holdings, calculating the weighted average of prices or returns provides a more accurate understanding of the overall performance of an investment.
  3. Scientific researchers: When conducting scientific research, the Weighted Average Calculator can be used to aggregate the results of different experiments, taking into account the weight of each experiment. This allows you to summarize the results more accurately and extract important trends.
  4. For economists and statisticians: The Weighted Average Calculator is also an important tool for economic and statistical analysis. It can be used when there are different weights for different observations or groups of observations. For example, when calculating average economic indicators or inflation, certain sectors or categories can be given more weight.
  5. Scoring system designers: Those designing scoring systems in different fields, such as sports, arts, or competitions, can use a weighted average calculator to determine the weights for different scoring criteria. This makes it possible to account for the varying importance of each criterion in the final summary of results.

These are just a few examples where the weighted average calculator can be useful. In general, it is useful wherever there is a need to consider different weights for different items or categories in order to obtain more relevant and pertinent results.


The weighted average is a statistical indicator that allows you to calculate an average value taking into account the different weights of the different components. It is particularly useful when you want to find a common denominator for elements with different values or meanings. The weighted average is often used in various types of rankings and in evaluating performance, such as academic or job performance. To calculate a weighted average, you use a simple formula that takes into account the weights of the different elements. With the weighted average, we can get more accurate and objective results that take into account the differences between the different elements.

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